Bringing Spring into The Kitchen

As the seasons change and the days lengthen we find ourselves, and our customers, changing with them. As restaurants and bars which serve these people we must change and morph with the seasons also. Amongst other things this will keep you relevant and keep guests talking about you. What are the other advantages of bringing spring into your kitchen? Keep reading onward!

Fresh, Local Produce

With the seasons moving into one ripe for growing produce you’re soon going to be able to get your hands on fresh produce which will outshine most of the produce you’ve been getting over the course of the winter. Remember that different produce will emerge and disappear as time progresses so you may want to write a rough plan of how you’re going to use what becomes available. Talk to farmers and suppliers in your local area and see what you can source from as close to home as possible.


Buying in-season produce from local suppliers is often going to be cheaper than buying it from further afield, from larger suppliers. This will allow you to keep your prices lower for your customers whilst also offering a better product than your competitor.

Better Quality

Fresher produce isn’t only better for the shelf-life of the product you are buying but it is also of a bettor overall quality. High quality is something every kitchen should thrive for when they’re searching for produce, especially fresh produce. And, if this is coming at a cheaper price, and more locally than produce from your other suppliers it seems like a no brainer.


Seasonal ingredients have long been trending with the consumer, with restaurants and menu creators. For many restaurant operators it’s because of a combination of the above factors. For the consumer it is not only wanting to eat what they’re feeling in that season, but it is also the environmentally conscious part of them which wants to eat locally. If you source these fresh ingredients from local farms then you should make a point of advertising this to your customers. They will not only appreciate it but it maybe a factor which draws in more customers as the word spreads.

In The Restaurant

Although we’re talking about using the produce of spring to spruce up your kitchen menu you should also consider using fresh produce behind your bar. If this isn’t something that you are prepared to do maybe consider allowing the produce of spring to freshen up the floor of your restaurant by adding flower to the presentation of your restaurant. This addition will help your restaurant look and smell fresher, making it more appealing to customers.

These sort of additions can squeeze themselves into every restaurant and menu plan around the globe. If you’re still sceptical about the benefits of using fresh, seasonal and local produce in your kitchen keep your ear to the ground and keep an eye on your competitors, you’ll probably find that it’s something the consumer is looking for and a trend which your competitors have jumped on. Don’t get left behind! Begin talking to local farmers and suppliers before it’s too late to get in on the action.